People are spending more and more time traveling during the day, which means there is an increasing need for a portable female urinal for vehicles.  According to the INRIX 2017 Global Traffic Scorecard, the U.S. was ranked as the most congested developed country in the world. Drivers are spending an average of 41 hours a year in traffic during peak hours.  Los Angeles topped the list of the world’s most gridlocked cities for the sixth straight year, with drivers spending 102 hours in congestion in 2017 during peak time periods, followed by New York (91 hours) and San Francisco (79 hours).

The statistics represent the time spent stuck in traffic, not all the time actually spent driving.  This means people spend even more time in vehicles than the numbers indicate.  According to the American Automobile Association’s 2016 American Driving Survey, the average American spends over 17,600 minutes (293 hours) driving on the road per year.

On the Go With Nowhere to Go | The Need for a Portable Female Urinal

With such a large chunk of time actually spent within a vehicle, especially when there is traffic, one can only wonder about all the predicaments that women endure when traveling!  Whether going from appointment to appointment or simply taking care of errands, the time in a vehicle can keep women from using the restroom when nature calls. 

There never seems to be enough time in the day to take care of our responsibilities and still have time to care for ourselves.  Some women don’t take breaks or even use the restroom when their bladders need relief.  Sometimes women are so busy that they overestimate how long they can hold it to only find themselves stuck in a vehicle while needing to pee and having nowhere to go.  


Why the Road Trip Potty is Perfect for Our Driving Culture

Road Trip Potty was created for women who often find themselves holding their pee while stuck in their vehicles and with no restroom option.  Road Trip Potty is great for women on the go, women who seem to always need to go and the daughters and granddaughters who don’t always know when they have to go–until it is time to go!  Road Trip Potty stores discreetly under the passenger car seat, so there’s always a backup plan when not going is NOT an option.

As traffic creeps, bladders fill, and stress increases; don’t get stuck in traffic without a portable female urinal.  Invest in an accessible, compact and concealed Road Trip Potty portable female urinal that’s designed so you can void when you’re stuck in a vehicle!  



Road Trip Potty

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