Imagine the panic of experiencing a bladder loss emergency and lacking access to a restroom! You feel your bladder contract with that all too familiar sensation that tells you it is time to go. But you tell yourself, “No, I can hold it a few more minutes.” In less than a couple of minutes, you feel your bladder muscles tighten, trying to hold back what feels like a tidal wave pushing on your lower abdomen. You begin to fidget and wiggle as you tightly clench your thigh muscles, and you wonder why you didn’t go minutes ago as you hope you can make it to the restroom in time. 
While many women and girls experience these thoughts and sensations at work, at school and in their homes, others feel this anxiety when traveling in vehicles and on long road trips. But if you have urinary incontinence, you face this and similar obstacles every day. 

Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control followed by the accidental loss of urine. Some women and girls experience loss of urine when completing daily activities such as exercising while others face a strong urge to urinate during non physical activities and right before reaching the toilet.
According to Markland, Richter, Fwu, Eggers, & Kusek, “The prevalence of urinary incontinence in women increased from 49.5% in 2001 to 2002, to 53.4% in 2007 to 2008…factors that contributed to the increase in urinary incontinence included but were not limited to age, race/ethnicity, obesity, diabetes and select chronic diseases.”

Road Trip Potty is committed to easing the fear, anxiety and embarrassment associated with frequent urination and bladder loss. We support women and girls in enjoying happy and productive lives by alleviating the stress of not having a place to void while traveling in a vehicle.

Road Trip Potty Female Urinal – for bladder loss emergencies

Markland AD, Richter HE, Fwu CW, Eggers P, Kusek JW. “Prevalence and Trends of Urinary Incontinence in Adults in the United States, 2001 to 2008.” Journal of Urology. 2011; 186 (2): 589–593.

Road Trip Potty

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